Motley Fool Stock Advisor - Track Record Matters
The ideal investor is the person who always outperforms the market, time after time. They are the primary reason why virtually all stocks throughout the market continue to recover even amidst the worst bearish financial tendencies. Of course, when it comes to choosing stocks, performance really matters over the yearly yield. That is why investing tips for example focusing on" dividend income"over earnings per share (EPS)" are becoming more popular Dan Calugar . In reality, many prominent institutional investors, such as hedge fund managers, use these kinds of metrics to assess investment quality. The best investor can also be known as the one who generates a winning portfolio that meets their financial goals. Two types of investors who typically fit this description are Warren Buffet and Donald Trump. For starters, Warren Buffet is known for purchasing insecure, high-reward investments like stocks and commodities. His net worth is so largely determined by the value of...